Sunday, July 13, 2008


At some point of life some of you if not all may have asked yourself some questions of whom there is no answer but one just enjoys to ask himself again and again and ponder over it. I don't know if thats the way philosophers are born but i think it should be. I also ask myself few questions now and again the questions which come to my mind i will list them you also ponder over them and if you know the answers of these questions unanswerable for me then please tell me, I beg you not to make any fun of them especially to Taimoor, So here they go:

1. Why was I specially made and sent to the earth?
2. What would it have felt when i was not alive or when i will be dead, like what will happen to my thoughts, my mind, my thinkness?
3. When was i actually made?
4. Time is only present for our universe, in hell or heaven or where Allah is there is no thing name as time, How would timelessness feel?
5. what would be timelessness?
6. People do lot of things to be remembered in this world after there death but will that matter?
7. How does Allah created time from timelessness and how he views it?
8. what was there before us and what will be there after us?
9. We will stay in heaven or hell forever, what is "forever", "neverending"?

These and many more. Of if some other questions occur to you tau also tell me.

and think on these questions

Diary 12-July-08

My maternal uncle or mamoo had arrived to rawalpindi yesterday night and was scheduled for an angiography today morning, the reason i will tell in another post, I didn't knew the process of angiography and also that the patiend has to remain in hospital for one day. Anyhow i got to know this when my mother called me in the morning.

So as usual at eleven I woke up, and yes yesterday night before sleeping I had packed most of my stuff so that i will leave today. So first I took my check and went to bank and put the money in my account. And tell you what, As I told you earlier I only had 20-30 rupees in my pocket but I had 500 pounds so i thought whynot convert 10 pounds today so i can move about here and go to home. So i took 10 pounds from there and got ready.

The pant which i wore I checked its pocket and found out that there were 10 rupees more in it. From bank then i planned to go to saddar. At the road I waited for like 20 minutes for varan but it didn't came so i sat in a hi-ace and reacher sadar. There first i changed the currency after that went to international burger infront of Ciros Cinema, and ate a Egg Shami burger and French Fries or freedom fries whatever you like to call them, they make delicious burger and fries by the way.

And then i took my glasses and my cousin lenses and went to AFIC to be with my mamoo. He was admited in ward, and because of wrong information about where he was it took me half an hour of wandering in AFIC to find him. But thanks God I found him finally, and remained there till six o'clock. We chatted about many things, jobs, money management and other lot of stuff. He was ok after angiography, there was nothing serious problem.

During chat with my mamoo, he told me a very strange story. He said that he watched a documentry on an indian channel in which they told that there is the boy in a village of india and he was not very good in studies, once he was going somewhere through the jungle that something happened to him and he became unconscious. He woke up after two days and started speaking english and talking about scientific stuff, He told other people some english name that i am that guy, they researhed and found out that there was a scientist who died in 1955 and told that he is possessed by the spirit of that scientist. Some people took the boy and he has delivered lectures in universities in india and in USA, has helped many mathematics professors in india, also has written books and loads of things.

Interesting story, though i don't believe it but i think i will have to google it to know whats the scene behind it. Also my mamoo told that there is a boy in "DANNA KACHELI" (a small village near muzaffarabad) where there is a boy and he can recite the table of any number, you just have to tell him the number like 0.34, 13432352, 83738.9375 anything. He challenges that no one can beat him in tables. I will this time surely go to Danna Kacheli, meet that guy and make his movie. If he sure is like they say he is tau it will be good to find such a boy, right?

Anyhow I left mamoo at six, and went to college took my stuff and went to skyways terminal at faizabad. And i found on the way that i brought my camera but it battery i forgot and left on charging, I am a big time fool. I was to stay in murree today at my cousin's house, Naila Baji, So i sat in Hi-Ace and reached murree. Another cousin of mine who was also staying there came to receive me and we went to her house. Damn its cold in murree, there was so much fog on the way and as i am wearing sleave less shirt tau feeling very cold, even though sitting in a blanket.

Hey, do you guys no why this place is named murree, Its so because it is a general opinion that Hazrat Mariam or Mary (Mother of Hazrat Eisa or Jesus Christ) is burried here, so from Mary became Murree.

Whatever the name but i don't have the facility to use internet here, so sorry that this post will arrrive you a day late but i wrote it today ok. The house in which i am there are also very few places in which mobile phone catches signals, so welcome to the dark age!!!

Tomorrow i will reach home inshallah and will talk to you guys from there, from the slow dialup...


Friday, July 11, 2008

Diary: 11-July-2008

I shouldn't have written this post, as today was not a day for me. The whole day i remained in my room only time i went out was for dinner.

The good thing, I received the check i was waiting for from PnG, 16800 rupees. I just now can't wait to go home. Will submit the check in the bank tomorrow and go home, but hey how will i go I only have twenty rupees worth of cash and nothing else in my pocket. I thought i will take debt from mustafa (a friend of mine from 27 mts) but he wasn't here all day and his mobile was also not responding.

Also the only other thing i did today was watched the movie "Scarface" again. If you haven't seen it you really should see it, Tony Montana is awesome. For a bit of a trivia the indian movie AGNIPATH, featuring amitabh bachan as Vijay Dinanath Chohan, was a big time copy of Scarface with little indian touch ofcourse. Story was a copy but Amitabh Bachan's dialogues were excellent. Remember "Iss chay foot ki body ko lurkanay kay liya tumahara 2 inch ka goli kam par gaya maloom".

Anyhow thats it for today i really did nothing and wasted an important day of my life.

Love you all. Keep visiting the blog daily

Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Coin Collection

"Coin Collection"; Oh how boring Iatesam is! This used to be a hobby but it is not now... Well I agree with the second part but the first one i don't. The reason is that my coin collection hobby is different, It is not the one in which a person tries to find rare coins and coins of different countries and put them is a special album. I love collecting coins not large in quality but in quantity.

Well the thing is that i have been keeping all the coins that i get as change from any place in a box of mine. I don't spend any special money in buying coins but everyday all the one, two and five rupee coins that are left in my pocket go into my box. And now that i have been doing it for an year now the box has become very heavy and the number increased very much.

I also have lot of Indian coins as well, as i stayed there for fifteen days, also some dollars, krones, and bhaats courtesy of my sister and cousins.

I developed this hobby from my childhood fantasy and hero "Scrooge McDuck", remember "Uncle Scrooge" from duck tales. The millionare who had a vault filled with coins and in which he used to swim, That is my dream to make my self a big vault filled with lots and lots of coins probably all coins of Pakistan (Quite far fetched dream I guess but that what dreams are for).

So if sooner or later you see shortage of coins in our country or some similar problem you will know who is behind it.

Love you All

Diary: 10-July-2008

"Ab tau Uth jao", "Jago please" and alot more messages on my mobile when i woke up at 11:30. I was in deep slumber.

After sometime there were lound knocks on my door i opened it and there were three guys standing outside Uzair (Chuzi), Arsalan (Chummy) and Waqas (Alien). As there usual host Usman Farooq had gone to Lahore this morning so they invaded my room. I went back to half sleep chuzi and alien found places to sit in my REALLY MESSY room while chummy started trying guessing the password of my laptop...

They left after sometime, and i woke and and started dressing up. Then i looked for my checkbook but in my REALLY MESSY ROOM (will be posting picture of it as well) wasn't able to find it for fifteen minutes, after this treasure hunt found it took out a check wrote for ten thousand and started toward bank.

Once reaching bank i found out that there were not 14000 rupees in my bank which i had calculated but actually 8000 and some rupees i had totally forgot that i also took out 5000+ rupees from bank a week earlier. So i had to go back to room bring another check and took out 8000 thousand rupees thanks God that i managed it in time but it was too hot and i was sweating from head to toe.

I also had some work in my department but when i reached there i found out that our Head of Department was on leave so i just sat there for some time in a lab with AC in it.

One getting inside the music shop i told the shopkeeper to show me the used electic piano, he showed it to me and i tested it so that there was no problem with it, there wasn't so i bout it for 7000 rupees with an extra 1000 for the bag. Hey I bought my first real PIANO or KEYBOARD or BAJA whatever you like to say it... YAHOO! it felt so great i wanted to reach hostel asap (as soon as possible) to get my hands over it. I was feeling overly joyed, so i rented a taxi asap and reached my hostel. Wow! it was big. 61 keys, casio, loads of inbuilt rythms and songs, LCD displaying which key and which note you are playing and much more. I turned it on and played some songs that i had learnt earlier but felt they were too childish and i have to learn playing real piano so i also have started reading the book "PIANO FOR DUMMIES", yah yah i am a dummy... and i hope to learn it soon enough so i can play bethoven, mozart... hehe going too far i guess, but lets see to which extent i am able to learn it.

It was 8:30 and light was gone here, Mustafa came to my room and told me to get ready we were eating dinner out today. So i got ready and he took me to near G-10 to Afghan Kabab House. It was a small but famous place and therefore very crowded. He served tikkats, Kababs and Kabuli Pulao. The food was very tasty and we ate alot and with stomachs over flowing reached hostel.

Here mustafa started irritating me to teach him to play "Tujhay Dekha tau ye Jana Sanam" on the piano which i had to else he would have made me mad by his annoying attitude.

After he learnt how to play it he played it for a hundred times and went away and i sat on it trying to figure out how to play "Fur Elise", the Classic by bethoven and guess what it was already saved in my piano, so i can turn it on see which keys to play and learn it, great na.

Thats most of it for today.

Best wishes

PS: See pictures of my room and piano in the picture area

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Book I want to write

For couple of days now i am thinking of starting to write a book, not a book actually but a story. I have a rough sketch in my mind but as i am not a writer or don't possess any such qualities also my vocabulary is extremely poor as you could see from my blog, so i haven't been able to start it. But to give you an idea i want to write a science fiction story. The life of an artificial intelligent man, living in an artificial world, you can say inside a computer. But the thing is that the Intelligence given to him is almost same as that of normal human beings and the world created for him is also the same. The task of this project is to see the effect of human beings given a situation, that is modeling of human beings and learning from that model.

While the Engineers, Scientists and Programmer do all this, what is that going in the "mind" of that person. Would he ever know that he is a computer program, would he live his "natural" life.... anyhow that what the story would be all about.

Help me in this regard and also pray for me in writing it....


Diary: 9-July-2008

As usual i was busy in dreaming... or not... when i was awaken by my cellphone bell, "Wake up you sleepy head its 11:45", "Please, wake me up at 12". Anyhow i woke up at 12.

There was a confusion in my mind, whether to go home today or not. I was to receive a check from PnG karachi which had already taken a long time, the person emailed me that he has couriered it yesterday so i would be able to receive it tomorrow or day after tomorrow, so i had to stay in my hostel and wait for it else the check will go back. The reason why i wanted to go home early was that my dear friend Raheel had to go back to his medical college on next monday so i wanted to spend sometime with him. But kismet stopped me here.

Anyhow i got ready, had to do some chores in Saddar. Then i went to Saddar, gladly saved a few bucks on taxi as Varan started here again. On reaching Sadar first i had to pick up my glasses from a shop, broke the last one, after that i had to buy lenses for my cousin Naila Baji. But here again problem occurred, My glasses were not made correctly so i asked them to solve the problem, and they said we have to make them again you pick them up day after tomorrow, Day after tomorrow was also what the person at D. Watson told me he can give me the lenses.

So now everything was saying i had to stay in pindi till this DAY AFTER TOMORROW comes. It occurred to me that i wanted to buy a piano so why not search for any in the market. I knew a musical instrument shop in Jinnah Super, forgot to tell i didn't have much money in my pocket only 300 to go to Jinnah Super and come back to my college. So i opted for public transport which took me almost 1 and a half hour to reach Jinnah Super. In the shop there 4 electric keyboards were in my range ie 20000 rupees, one of them was second hand, a good one and was for 7000 rupees. My mind is set on it to buy and probably tomorrow i will buy it.

Done from there I came back to college, this time on taxi spending all i have. On entering college i met Usman Farooq, My next room neighbour friend in hostel, He returned my 1 thousand rupees which i had given him as a debt. Oh! I was relieved to get the money, he didn't know how much i needed it in that time. Usman was going to Gym, I gave him company for sometime then went to hostel. And spend the rest of time studying stuff about Stock Exchange, Watching movies and Listening to music.